Chapter 243: The One Bearing The Name Of God

Although puzzled, Benjamin refrained from questioning her outright. Instead, his gaze swept the room. Aside from scattered clothing and discarded food on the floor, nothing seemed amiss. It was logical. After all, someone fleeing in a hurry wouldn't leave traces behind.

"Where did the woman who was in your room go?" he inquired, his sudden question startling Irina, making her let out a soft gasp.

At her reaction, Benjamin's eyebrows furrowed, his gaze growing wary: "What did you ask?" she stammered, fear evident in her voice.

Reiterating his query but with more firmness, he watched as Irina visibly shrank back, finally murmuring: "She...she said she had something to do and left. Can...can you not look at me like that? I'm truly scared."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke, every word dripping with fear. Benjamin felt a pang of confusion but, before he could react, she threw herself at him, gripping him tightly: "Please don't go. I'm truly terrified. This place... I can't bear to
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