Chapter Fifty-Two

  Two weeks have gone by since we came to the decision to turn down Gregory's offer. In order to avoid talking with Gregory, I have been busying myself with the wedding planning. I still find the time to meet with Flavius, though sometimes I cannot. My afternoons, per Soren's doing, are spent having tea with Geoffrey much to my dismay.

    The cool morning air caresses my skin like a cold silk blanket. I stare out at the glimmering blue lake, immersed in my thoughts. The forest hums with life all around me, an orchestra in my mind, playing one enchanting symphony after another. The fallen leaves dance around me to an unheard beat, whispering their songs to the wind. The sweet surrendering scent of the morning dew fills my nostrils, a scent so wonderful it should not belong to this world.  The shadows of the surrounding oak trees twirl happily around in the dawning sunlight.

    I do not think I will ever tire of coming here, where the n
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