Chapter 18

As dusk arrived, Yamada completed his last drill, dropping Harbinger off his shoulders. The great sword shattered the ground, burying itself half a metre deep.

He trudged over to the large wooden barrel of water, dragging the wicker basket behind him. The top of shattered into dust.

The wind kissed the sweat glistening on his naked body. He breathed a great sigh of relief, raising the large barrel over his head.

The cool water gushed over him, and he fell to the ground. Exhausted beyond belief, he mustered the energy to still be modest, and drape a single shirt over his groin.

He closed his eyes, a wave of accomplishment filled him. It washed away the exhaustion and pain. He wore a big grin, staring up to the beautiful pristine sky, raising his hand to the air.

The scars of his past stared out at him, still slick with the water. “Can you see me Mum? I’m actually at the Citadel.” He whispered to himself filled with pride.

“I’m training with best Grand Knight. Her name is Gwyneth Lockh
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