Chapter 221 : Gray 2

Anyway, that's what transpired. However, when it came to the conversation between Daniel and the cloud people, Gray remained unaware. He was preoccupied being given a tour by the Cloud's inhabitants.

Upon leaving the location, Daniel handed him a piece of canvas and explained that he had used it to secure their entry to the palace.

Confusion clouded Gray's mind about how it happened. Nevertheless, witnessing Daniel's familiarity with the cloud people and hearing them address him as "Milord," Gray had no doubt about the truth of his current master's words.


'Even though he said he would just pretend to be the royalty of the Cloud's Kingdom... I'm pretty sure that this man— he was indeed the king of these people!'

There was a misunderstanding in Gray's mind that Daniel was, in fact, a royal figure.

From that moment onward, the way Gray treated Leon changed. Instead of addressing him as sir or milord, he now referred to him as his majesty, fitting of his lord's status. Althou
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