Chapter 211: Yuna's strenght
Yuna was seen seemingly glowing white, her eyes turned radiantly blue and her hair turned to silver. After sending a glare toward Retto. She kicks the ground strongly to the point it makes a crack in the battle stage, which’s made of fine concrete.

Retto came prepared to take on what was coming. Considering the one he fought was a relic wielder. Retto must be cautious.

The Relic is the only one that can destroy relics. Yuna’s relic is not one of the original relics. We can say it was one of the knock-offs created by Dia while she resided in the Dungeon of Zero. The reason why she has one is still a mystery, but right now Retto could not care less.

Knowing that a baby is coming into his life. Retto is more eager to think about his child’s future. Then things happen behind the scenes.

After the first collision of their swords, Retto senses the heaviness after the impact. Retto had himself knocked back a few steps.

The damage is not very serious. If Retto is using a standard-issue sw

The first chapter for this year! Thank you very much for everything. Let's have another year of adventure together!

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