
"Sit down, everyone,” Stephan, his eyes scanning the room, commanded everyone to find a seat and relax. The atmosphere was thick with tension as the Riven family followed his instructions. With an air of authority, Stephan reached into his pocket and retrieved a pack of cigarettes.

Reluctantly, Thomas, Veronica, and Robin seated themselves, their eyes occasionally darting toward Stephan. There was a palpable sense of unease in the room, as if they were treading on fragile ground, unsure of what lay ahead. Stephan, however, exuded an air of confidence that made it difficult for them to challenge his authority.

As Stephan lit his own cigarette, a cloud of smoke began to fill the room, wrapping itself around the tension that still lingered. The flickering flames of the lighter cast an ethereal glow on Stephan's face, emphasising the determination in his eyes.

Silence settled over the dining hall, broken only by the soft crackling of the burning tobacco and the occasional sigh from the Ri
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