Putting The Rivens In Their Place

Oliver, Stephan's loyal assistant, stood silently by his side, relishing the discomfort and shock that had gripped the Riven family. His eyes gleamed with a sense of anticipation as he waited for his master's next command. Stephan, sitting at the opposite head of the dining table, turned to Oliver and spoke with a calm authority.

"Oliver, it seems we have some unfinished business to attend to in this house," Stephan said, his voice firm and unwavering. "I want you to search every corner of this mansion for any remaining belongings of Magdalena."

Oliver nodded obediently, understanding the importance of the task at hand. He knew that finding any trace of Magdalena's presence would further unsettle the already unnerved Riven family. With a nod from Stephan, he swiftly departed the dining room, leaving the Rivens to face the weight of their past actions.

Thomas Riven, unable to hide his growing frustration and anger, spoke up, his voice trembling with a mixture of indignation and defianc
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