Chapter 22: Rescue

"Your friends are here."

The tension inside the room was getting exhausting, but Elio Freyr remained unbothered, not until he heard Selene's voice again in his mind.

Furrows formed in between his brows as he kept his eyes on the people in front of him.

"Get your friend out of that room, and I'll stop them from going after you if you don't want your other friends to be in danger as well."

Elio Freyr heightened his senses to scan the place where his other friends were in the Dot. They had just walked past through the entrance of the Dot, and he can feel that four of her friends are there, going deeper through the place.

Thea, Samson, Aiden and Aislah, as well as Esther, were all present in the Dot with him, and it was not a very good timing to be reunited with them while he was dealing with the ten students from the past.

"His friends are here." Rio stated, with a grin plastered on his face. He was getting the hype out of the situation.

"What a very good timing." Logan exclaimed
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