18- Stranger and Stranger
“All of them?” Matt whispered wide-eyed and looked around the heavily occupied room as if he could figure out who was who and what. Until Liz hits his hand.

“Maybe. Definitely, the men going out. I’m not sure about the doctors, but why would the place be sealed off? What are they hiding?” Liz whispered back and noticed some of the men standing guard inside the large area looking at them- well everyone. They were dressed in regular black t-shirts but brown cargo pants and black combat-looking boots.

A different uniform for the security personnel. Literally, everything is military-styled so why different uniforms?

“It is strange- only a little bit. C’mon guys, you know even in a normal world, we couldn’t walk freely into any room in the hospital…even in the teacher’s faculty,” Matt tried to reason although he had picked up on the strange vibe.


They met Lieutenant Sharp just before dinner two days later when he was finished showing off with his gun, to some of the younger k

Hmm, I'm wondering if I placed the years correctly

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