Chapter 179: Warning

Seeing the expression on Kiara's face, Camellia finally get her mind straight and kept calm. She knew forcing Kiara to speak might result in something else so it was better to just hold her calm and wait for Jiara to cool down.

Silence befalls around them. None of the two said a word, only heavy breath echoed next to them.

Kiara already knew that Camellia was giving her time to get her mind straight.

The feelings and weariness back at the restroom had made her a little suffocated that was why she was like this now and the only way to remove those feelings was to keep calm and get rid of those feelings.

After a good two minutes, Kiara who had finally gotten hold of herself spoke.

"Mom, I'm fine. There's nothing much to worry about." She squeezed those thoughts out of her mouth with the intent of trying to comfort her mom.

The thought of telling her Mom everything that had conspired between Lily and her at the restaurant.

She was afraid that if she should bring it up, then maybe anot
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