My head tilts slowly at the back of the tree, not so far away from Shier.

If I have an eye, I am probably crying a river right now because I have to give up that fork.

I was desperate earlier when he almost saw my very existence.

At the last moment, I knew I had to give it up.

But I promise myself that I will get it back before I can return to the present.

“Just hang in their little fork!”

I flinch when Shier grabs the little fork and examines it.

The fork is a thing that is made from the future so there is no way that Shier knows this. Even his delicate skin forms a line on his forehead when he saw it.

Then after a moment, Shier looks around. To my anxiousness, I almost fall from the branch where I stand.

I am struggling to maintain my balance so I should not fall.

When Shier didn’t notice anything unusual. He put the disfigured fork into his pocket and return to where Heed is.

My head springs on the tree and starts following Shier at such a distance.

Shier goes back t
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