Chapter 46

Sira's [P.O.V]

I have my royal duties as a grand Luna since the werewolf moon goddess had to put it all on me.

I had now reached Home and my wolf was beginning to feel its culture again.

My dad threw a party to celebrate my birthday and I have been sitting down together with an alpha calles james. who is now an all-grown-up man.

I knew him when he was little.

He looks so handsome that I tried to take my eyes off from staring at his cute face.

"Guess what?" James says to me from the corner.

I looked at him to see a serious look over his face.

"What?" I asked expecting a funny reply from him as that is what he has been doing to me since I arrived.

"Do You remember Alpha Renadon?" He asked me and I nodded a yes sign speedily to him as I don't only know who Alpha Renadon is but have also heard stories about how d

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