
As the signal to start the battle echoed through the stadium, Qin Wu wasted no time. He lunged forward with blinding speed, his movements like a gust of wind. Ethan barely had a chance to react before Qin Wu's strikes came raining down upon him.

Ethan found himself on the defensive, desperately evading Qin Wu's lightning-fast punches and kicks. Each movement was a blur, and Ethan struggled to keep up with the relentless assault. He blocked, dodged, and parried, relying on his instincts and training to stay one step ahead.

The crowd watched in awe as Qin Wu's attacks seemed to come from all directions, testing Ethan's reflexes and agility. But Ethan refused to yield. He focused his mind and body, finding his center amidst the storm of Qin Wu's onslaught.

With each passing moment, Ethan's defense became more solid. He anticipated Qin Wu's movements, reading his patterns, and finding openings for counterattacks. Ethan's training kicked in, and his movements became more fluid, matching Qi
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