The third shadow
That shadow with a complete face, tilted its head.

I got startled and suddenly fell down, as I fell down I was in front of the toilet door. I looked around and realized that I'm back in my room. Everything was back to normal, except my heartbeat that still beats so fast after what I saw through that door. Trepidation and fear were the only things I felt at that time. I curled myself up as I tried to calm down.

"You need to be strong." I murmured.

"For Mio.."

"For Nao and Hans.."

"And for everyone."

As I calmed down, I stood up and fixed myself.

“It's just the beginning. And that beginning will happen tomorrow."



I didn't get enough sleep because of what happened last night. I kept on remembering it. I kept seeing him, that third shadow. Everywhere I looked I kinda saw him at first glance but when I looked back again, he's gone. Somewhat it's distracting me. Does it want to stop me? Is it because I know now that it will happen? That's why that shadow is hindering me, and rui
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