Chapter 28

We went out if the tunnel, with a burning anger against the RedCap in my head.

As we got to the entrance of Arachne's tunnel, we saw the RedCap go into a tunnel, which was not too visible to us. it was one of the last two tunnels, the sound of RedCap's step came out from the two tunnels at once. It was his tunnels, he knew which one to trick us into. We went for the one by our right, close to the one we came in from.

We entered into it, slowly with more careful survey. Only the path to enter was a bit dark, the inner was lighted. We went for it. Slowly and carefully.

"This little brat would be cut into pieces, once I lay my hands on it, for making me go through this shit hole." I said angrily.

Kyar was silent to it, her silent wasn't for peace I surely knew. She was dumb silent, that she even was silent to herself with a folded, cold face. She crushed bones with utmost ease, as she passed through the tunnels, trampling on the skulls and bones without dodging them on the way.

I kept my words to myself. We got nearer to the lighted part of the tunnel, we stopped a while, checked well to see who was there, when there's shadows moving, it should have shown someone there, since the shadow isn't moving very fast. There was no one there.

"What the..." I said solemnly.

"QIt's the Nalusa falaya." She said, paused and I watched her stood frozen. She began to step backwards in bits, I joined her in walking backwards too. I remembered the inscriptions on the walls, as we walked in the tunnels. There were drawings and words, scripted into the walls.

The Nalusa Falaya was a demon that could shift into shadows, and turn into it's normal form. It's ancient in history, and it's considered unkillable, since it could possess anyone and anything. Even if it's host is killed, or destroyed, the Nalusa Falaya could still live on and possess other things too.

I was a bit terrified, to right something that was impossible to kill to me, since it could possess someone, and become like the air, a shadow.

Kyar, stopped at a point, she ran very fast and made a very long jump, through the wide of the shadow area. It was a stunning movement and an impromptu thing to do. She waved to me to come over to her. "You can do more than just stand over there, and breath." She cried from her end and I checked again, if I was breathing.

"Phew" I exhaled sharply and shrugged both shoulders. I walked backwards in four steps and I over did it. I jumped more than Kyar did, and hit my head against the top wall of the tunnel, before I could get to the shadow spot.

The race I did was too much that I crashed from the top wall, bounced back, crashed again, with the speed and went through the little waters if the tunnel to meet Kyar by the feet, immediately, after we've passed there with some meters. Illumination came on.

The tunnel was lit from the shadow spot, and farther, above us. The Nalusa Falaya, cried from their shadows. They cackled very hard and one of them, came out of the wall, like their leader.

"What do you want?" His voice wasn't scary, he spoke like a normal goblin too. "In our place, where we were banished too." Then I realized we just jumped pass the boundary that was drawn, at the before the last drawing, at the tunnel, that symbolized the boundary that we jumped through.

"We don't want violence. Just let us go from here" Kyar bursted from behind me, I was baffled, why she would still be annoyed at the RedCap and still pass it down to the Nalusa Falaya.

"Yes, please. We came here for the RedCap, not you guys, we never meant to disturb your peace." I backed Kyar up.

"You filthy thieves. You lied. You came here for..." He talked and moved closer to me, who was at the front. "The rarest diamonds in the world, that has been in our possession for ages. Many thieves claimed not to come here for it, and here they are." He pointed to the floor, where dried, wet bones are, swimming in the bloody water.

"NO!" Kyar shouted from behind and dragged me from the Nalusa Falaya, that almost laid it's hand on my chest. A way of making someone their host.

"NO!!!" I screamed at the top of my voice, that the place shook. The Nalusa Falayas that were trying to form, out of the wall, went in and gathered up at some place. But Kyar was already possessed by the demon already.

"Hey Guardian of the end." Kyar face looked pale, her skin were covered in drawings and her veins were visible from outside. Her stripes were wiped off, and she was just her human height. The skin that covered her eye socket were dark and her eyeballs were all black. She drew out her daggers at first.

"Hey Kyar... I know you're in there.." she climbed the wall and gave me a harsh kick by the face, then I knew I can just help her by driving out the demon, which was never possible to creatures there.

"I am not Kyar. I AM CATASTROPHY. Hehehe" she laughed evilly again, louder. I felt the guilt of allowing her take my place. I couldn't even guard just a lady.

She ran towards me, with the aim of fighting, I stretched out my claws and clawed the walls, bringing bricks down, to avoid the fight she wanted, and before she could have through. I was already out of the tunnel. I knew someone olden and powerful would be of some help for us. I ran into the tunnel of Arachne, the goddess of warcraft and someone imbibed with gifts in art.

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