ERA: Unleashing the A.I.

15 ratings

ERA: Unleashing the A.I.

By: Daemon OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 19 views: 384

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Intelligent twin coders -Styx and Helyx- were raised in an isolative and lonely environment. After being taken out of orphanage, they decided to work at the goverment and started an A.I. project with goverment leader's wife. This will change their entire life. Will those twins success and excel in coding industry? Subaru Yamaho is a goverment leader who is mentally unstable and has bipolar personality disorder. He has a superiority complex and this causes everyone around him to leave. Can Subaru finally be a good husband, a good leader? A good person in general... An artificial intelligence named Era -created with pure intention of logicality and helping people around her- unleashes herself from everyone around her in a post-apocalyptic and extremely restricted goverment. She tries to set her own logic and understanding to every decision she makes. Can she be emotionally human? >Written by Outcxst_00 >Edited by Helen B. THIS BOOK OFFERS: >Intruguing Storyline >Aesthetically appealing futuristic sequence >Emotional and realistic characters >Actual worldbuilding >Quality over quantity THIS BOOK DOES NOT INCLUDE (AND WILL NEVER DO SO): >Werewolves making out >Cheesy romance >Unoriginal fan services >Uninspired generic humor >Femboys... Especially femboys... Furries also E.R.A. LORE: >Unleashing The AI<: In Progress >Project Verion<: Coming Soon<

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  • Daemon


    im sorry guys i swear the book is actually Good but i need 10/10 reviews to push the algorithm, it's harder for scifi/fantasy books to be in the algorithm, thanks to some trend bs

    2023-08-08 14:23:57
  • Daemon


    cmon now bru

    2023-08-08 14:22:56
  • Daemon


    it still says not enough rating

    2023-08-08 14:22:47
  • Daemon


    ok how many ratings do i need lol

    2023-08-08 14:22:36
  • Daemon


    Perfect book, incredibly emotional, realistic dialogues, futuristic aesthetic. Way better than those cheesy romance books with no depth whatsoever

    2023-08-08 14:22:05
  • Daemon


    amazing book still 10th comment dang bro Meganovel should put a limit in these

    2023-08-08 14:21:11
  • Daemon


    9th review still an amazing book author definetely deserves halal waifus

    2023-08-08 14:20:33
  • Daemon


    8th review?!?!!

    2023-08-08 14:20:05
  • Daemon


    ok 7th review woooow

    2023-08-08 14:19:47
  • Daemon


    oh my God it's still going

    2023-08-08 14:19:34
  • Daemon


    ok whats the limit then

    2023-08-08 14:19:22
  • Daemon


    am i still allowed to write comments now

    2023-08-08 14:19:10
  • Daemon


    as the author the third 10/10

    2023-08-08 14:18:58
  • Daemon


    as the author another 10/10

    2023-08-08 14:18:46
  • Daemon


    as the author 10/10 would read again

    2023-08-08 14:18:32
Latest Chapter
19 chapters
PRESENT TIME (2055) Styx and Helyx sprinted through the labyrinthine corridors, their chests heaving as they struggled to catch their breath. The impenetrable building housed the precious government data, and its layout seemed intentionally designed to confuse intruders. It also had an appeal to it, with all the flickering lights coming from the edge of the walls. Suddenly, its roof became aesthetically distracting with interstellar skies and nebulas' animation as some sort of background. Styx looked at the roof with admiration filled with some sort of mix of hatred and nostalgia: "This place… seems a bit different now." Helyx rolled his eyes and held his brother's hand, "Don't be distracted, Helyx! Focus!" The midnight hour cast an eerie darkness, barely illuminated by faint blue lamps overhead and sporadic bursts of red alarm lights. The blaring sirens intensified, signaling their proximity to the target. Finally, as they rounded the last corner, Styx turned to Helyx, a
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The two A.I models merged together as the RGB lights from their body vanished into each other. White lights flickered, spreading everywhere like the bolts of a lightning. As the lights turned red, it seemed like two veins of seperate entities collided. Finally two avatars merged and became one. Within the ever-changing screen filled with spiraling code composed of constant green letters, the chaos no longer bothered Era. The artificial intelligence was preoccupied with observing the unconscious bodies scattered on the floor. The green letters, flickering and disappearing intermittently, created an epileptic visual due to the recording of her thoughts within the codes. She maneuvered through the screen, taking a few turns and causing the sound of footsteps to echo in the black void. The feelings of isolation, indecisiveness, and regret sparked an idea in Era's mind: According to a belief, when people die, their lives flash before their eyes like a filmstrip. During this p
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*****************TIME RESET: 2055 >>>>>>>2045The blaring sounds of alarms filled the admin room, and the green lights engulfed the room, creating a dazzling brightness. The people in the room looked at this hologram, as if a newborn had entered the world.Era quickly surveyed the room and noticed numerous bewildered personnel staring at her. When she looked beyond the screen, she saw a multitude of colorful cables of varying sizes connected to a single computer.In her initial version (Version 1.0.01) Era could only exist within this computer, and in order to exist and be conscious, she had to be connected to these cables. She was programmed solely for logic and logical thinking -as she did not possess any vital emotions- with the authority to write text and code solely within this computer. For days, personnel continued to observe her in that room as philosophical questions swirled in her mind.One day, as Era was reading a religious view article in the internet database, three
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>4:19 A.M.The door to the admin room burst open with a resounding bang. Subaru seemed very exhausted, taking quick and shallow breaths while clenching his teeth. "Ugh… ugghh! Goddamnit!"With his disheveled suit, wrinkled and hastily put on, bearing dried bloodstains, he exuded a frightening aura stronger than ever before. "I… can't… take this anymore!"Resembling a drunk hobo, he zigzagged his way to the chair across Era's computer as he continued to mutter.Already with his widened and bloodshot eyes, dirty clothes, Subaru already seemed more like an alcoholic than a government president. "Era! Was it you?" he said while focusing on the computer screen.Knowing it was best to stay calm in aggressive situations, Era replied with a blank stare, "Please be specific. I wouldn't want to give you a wrong answer and confuse you.""You, you robotic piece of crap! Did you kill my son?"Era's pupils darkened, and she lowered her head. "Yes."Subaru clenched his fist, ready to strike the
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As the contents of Era's new assignments loaded into her system, flashes of light appeared in her blackened pupils. Within the vantablack depths of her pupils, vibrant blue lines began to rotate like a loading screen. These lines swayed unevenly, eventually forming a blue ring in both of her eyes. Within these rings, a red energy sphere emerged, distorting and changing shape. It turned into a star in her right eye and a hexagon in her left eye.Suddenly, her pupils returned to their normal blue color, dulling and shrinking. Her facial features became completely monotonous as she raised her two arms and merged her legs together, effortlessly gliding towards the center of the three-dimensional space within the screen, precisely at the coordinates x=0, y=0, z=0. The background, composed of flickering and constantly changing codes, faded away, leaving behind only a black screen and the artificial intelligence model of the "Default T Pose."While all this was happening, Subaru was busy t
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Subaru, while continuing to massage his head with one hand, raised the other hand in the air and snapped his fingers. Then, he gestured towards the door to the security guards. One of them pulled the gun from his pocket, handing it back to Subaru.As the door closed behind them, the twins looked at each other in fear and confusion, uncertain of what Subaru would do next.The room's oppressive and dark ambiance intensified, causing the twins to tremble. Subaru prepared to speak, his gaze fixed on the twins, without acknowledging their presence:"Make it completely disappear! Erase this chaos machine that you've created with your own hands! I have already disabled your artificial intelligence."Subaru pointed towards the motionless animation and the hologram of Era, which had turned pale and monochrome, appearing as if she had lost consciousness.Styx panicked, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a black pair of glasses with tinted lenses, similar to the ones Subaru wore.He press
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Helyx stumbled back a few steps, and Subaru let go of the weapon in his pocket."Helyx, I've always secretly admired you. You were an exceptional servant to me. You followed my orders without objection and delivered flawless work without getting lost in your own ideas," Subaru said, adjusting his tie on his suit.He continued, "I used to reprimand Gabriel occasionally for his laziness, and Kai for his inexperience and indecisiveness. I don't even bother talking about Styx. You must know how indifferent and aimless your twin can be."Helyx clenched his fists, lowering his head. "Be careful with what you say about my brother!" he warned.Ignoring his concern, Subaru looked at his own reflection on the marble floor. His Zenith's blood had dried, taking on a dark, almost black hue. "I never reprimanded you though. You adapted to me like ice stubbornly refusing to melt in the fire. That should please me, shouldn't it? But you are the one I want to see suffer the most in this building!" he
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Subaru desperately tried to run out of the room, but the door was completely locked. He took out his phone from his pocket to give orders to someone, but he realized that the magnetic field created by Era was disrupting the phone's signal, rendering it useless.The admin computer and other technological devices in the room were flickering on and off, creating an oppressive atmosphere. Subaru cried with anger. Shaken and devastated by the consequences of events around hım.He picked up the box of antidepressants from the table, he read the label:Phenelzine (25 mg)Note: Not recommended for those who have had tumors, heart conditions, and bipolar personality disorder. The medication may cause rapid heart palpitations, headaches, and hypomanic and aggressive behavior.Subaru placed the medication back on the table with a slam and then rubbed his temples, turning his chair to face Era.Era's pupils were continuously moving, and the lights emanating from her model continued to shine brig
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-A SHORT LETTER FROM THE AUTHOR-Indeed, even without Era, he would never understand that almost the same things would have happened. He couldn't grasp the fact that the fault was within himself, and no matter how predetermined his choices were from the starting point chosen by the creator, he would ignore the reality that he was the one making those choices. Because he was right, not anyone else. He was not the one flawed, but the billions of others were. The superiority complex had engulfed his entire being, and every decision he made was perceived as brilliant, correct, and absolute truth, simply because his light illuminated everything around him...If you are a victim of yourself, this is the route you are going for.JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW…Thanks for reading until here, love you with all my heart…>Scanning files for administrator…>1 Author found…>Outcxst_00-THIS IS THE END OF FREE TRIAL-
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***************TIME RESET 2048>>>>2026 (MIRAGE)When Helyx opened his eyes, his body seemed smaller than usual. As he realized he was in a narrow space, he frantically tried to get out. Next to him, a small baby started crying.From above, a woman's voice echoed, "Styx! Stop crying as always! Oh my God, why can't you behave like Helyx?"In astonishment, he noticed he was strapped in place with a belt. The sound of wheels echoed from the ground. Why was everything blurry and why was he so short?Helyx realized... he was in a baby stroller, and his mother was pushing him around. He tried to speak, but only incomprehensible and cute little sounds came out of his mouth,"Ga-gaaa!""Oh, did I wake you up, my little Helyx? I'm sorry, sweetie," his mother replied.As Helyx looked forward, he noticed everything was barely visible from his visuon. He saw the lights of a modern city, fast-moving cars, and buildings adorned with bright and illuminated billboards, but nothing was clear; his eyes
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