Trapping Luke

"Because you're my brother," said Aurellie.

Luke spat out his curse. “Could you stop using that word?”

Aurellie chuckled. “Luke, I am happy to have you as my sibling. I'm glad you took care of me. If you don't like Anrez, then I'll give up my story.”

"You don't need to threaten me."

“Our family has been divided for years. our parents got together but we didn't. I really want to complete my story, Luke. If given a choice, I would prefer you."

Luke closed his eyes with anger again. “Damn it! You're a master at making me give up. Let's go inside the house!” Luke said avoiding Aurellie. The woman chuckled.

“Luke!” said Aurellie still trying to chase Luke. Luke was in the house again which made Pooja smile a little.

"You always manage to persuade Luke, Aurellie," Pooja chuckled, pinching the woman's cheek.

“Caroline, you don't need to worry Luke has prepared a ring for you. He will propose to you soon,” said Caroline who managed to make Luke glare at her. Luke is really annoyed with Aureli
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