009. I'll be watching...

"Ladies and gentlemen," Alan began, his voice commanding attention, "the future of our company rests in the hands of a visionary, a strategist... I introduce to you our new CEO - Ethan Monroe.”

I stood, making my way to the stage amidst a sea of stunned faces. As I stepped onto the stage, a hush fell over the crowd. Heads turned, whispers flew, and eyes widened in disbelief.

From the corner of my eye, my gaze briefly met Sophia's, her expression a mix of shock and something unreadable. Beside her, James's face had lost all color, his earlier condescension replaced by disbelief.

As I approached the podium, the murmurs grew louder, a mixture of curiosity and astonishment. The bright lights of the stage momentarily blinded me, but I found my footing, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am humbled and honored," I began, my voice steady despite the inner turmoil. "This position is not just a title to me. It's a commitment to innovation, growth, and above all, integrity
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