Chapter 13

"You too sir." Suzan replied with a smile as she headed out.


As the day opened up, the night surrenders to the first blush of dawn, a symphony of colors begins to paint the canvas of the sky.

With each passing moment, the darkness recedes, giving way as the sun finally breaks free from the horizon, its warm embrace bathes the earth in a soft, ethereal light, awakening the world with promises of endless possibilities and new beginnings. A similitude of Ethan's new reality.

The door creaks open as Suzan walked into the room.

The thick Italian curtains refused to grant entrance to the rays of the sun that sought to penetrate into the room.

"Good morning sir." She greeted but got no reply.

Walking up to the bed, she noticed he's still sleeping. Deeply for that matter.

"He must have been really tired." Suzan thought in her mind.

Taking her eyes off him, she walked towards the curtains and pulled them open, finally releasing the rays of sun into the room.

The rays illuminated the roo
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