2+2=4, easy right?

I just woke up early on a Saturday, why is that? I have to tutor Yua that's why, but before I go I have to prepare material to give her, I can't go there empty-handed and just read the book as usual, that didn't work for her the first time so I don't expect to work again

It took me some time but everything is done, it's about 11A.M right now so I will go to Yua's house

"Hey kid, can you go to the second house to get some papers for me?"

Hikita asked me

"We have a second house?"

I asked confused, I honestly thought we didn't have such things but 'Oh well' you learn new things as days pass

"Yeah, walk to the right side of the house and climb the stairs, you will find the door at the top, and the papers I want you to take are inside the desk in a big bedroom"

She told me before giving me the key to the house, I quickly found the stairs and climbed, as soon as I entered the house a gust of dusty air hit my face, I then made my way inside the house

It was relatively big, it had one big liv
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