Ghost Terror
Ghost Terror
Author: M Nur Fadli
The Beginning


 A loud sound was heard so echoed along with the sound of the car's engine. There, a human body was bounce a few meters away accompanied by a groan of agonizing pain.

 A man who was driving the car seemed shocked by what had just happened. His breath sounded erratic. He had bumped into someone who didn't know who it was. As a result, he was very frightened by what happened to that person.

 With what little courage he had, he forced his feet to step out of the car. He approached a woman who was now lying limp with a voice that was no longer heard. The man's heart was made to beat much faster than usual. Every step is a doubt. His hands trembled as he brushed the hair that covered her face.

 "M-Marni," he said shakily.

 He could barely keep himself upright. Apparently it was a woman he recognized. His hands trembled again at he checked the woman's pulse.

 "Impossible," he said. His face showed that he was very scared.

 He slowly backed away from there. He couldn't believe that he had killed someone. Fear enveloped his heart. Now not only the hands are shaking, but also the whole body. He didn't know what to do with the corpse in front of him.

 It's pretty quiet tonight. There was no one else in the place except the two of them. Still with great fear, the man tried to approach the woman's body.

 He was silent for a long time, until finally an idea crossed his mind to bury the victim's body. Given its location which was rarely visited by people, he thought that no one would ever find the woman's body if he buried her.

With improvised tools, he buried the lifeless body until it was completely buried in the ground. He knew it was a bad act. But he also doesn't want to go to jail if anyone finds out that the woman was killed by him.

 "I'm sorry, Marni. I had to do this," he said after successfully burying the bodies of his victims.

After that, he hurriedly got into the car and left from there.


 Two days later, Marni's figure was much discussed by her neighbors. For information, Marni is a young widow who lives alone. He had been living alone for a long time. The last time she had a mate was when her husband was still alive. And when the husband is gone, she really lives alone. In the eyes of the men, she was quite beautiful. That's why, through her beauty, she often seduces the men in her village. That's what made some people furious.

"Where is Marni, huh? I haven't seen her for two dayss," said a middle-aged woman to the others.

 "I don't know, Mrs. I haven't seen it either."

 "Just leave it alone. Maybe, she's at the hotel with her partner."

 "Hush. Don't be like that, Mrs. Endang. Do not talk nonsense!"

 "What are you talking about, Mrs. Everyone knows that she's a bitch. Just look at her clothes. She also often comes home late at night. What if she's not a bitch?"

 Several people who were there nodded, as if they agreed with what Mrs. Endang said. They even forgot about the sympathy they should have when one of their neighbors had been missing for two days.

 News of Marni's disappearance is increasingly spreading throughout the village. There were several people who ventured to forcibly enter the young widow's house. The locked door of the house would make it difficult for them to enter. But that's not a big problem. By all means they were finally able to open the door.

The search started from there. The entire room had been searched. But Marni's figure was never found. As a result, they left the room without any results.

 "Marni isn't around. Has Mr. Aryo not seen him for the past two days? Isn't Mr. Aryo his closest neighbor?" asked one of them.

 "Never. Even at night the house lights never turn on. I actually wanted to check it from the beginning. But my wife was forbidden. She was afraid it's just a trick that Marni uses to trap the men," said Aryo.


 "I don't think I need to answer," said Aryo.

Marni disappeared like being swallowed by the earth. Worse, the residents decided that the woman's disappearance was because Marni was indeed going somewhere. And for the women, with the loss of Marni, they feel happy. That way they don't have to worry about their husband anymore.

 Until the third night since Marni's disappearance arrived. Don't know why the atmosphere at night feels so tense. Dark no longer means dark, but there is another meaning in the darkness. The moon seemed reluctant to shine. Tonight the earth is truly in a state of complete darkness.

 Tok tok tok!

 There was a knock on the door of the house. Aryo, the owner of the house was somewhat surprised by the sound. He who was still busy with his office work finally had to open the door.

 "Who the hell is coming to visit at this time of night?" he asked a little annoyed.

 Aryo walked towards the door slowly. As he walked, the knock on the door grew louder and louder. Aryo also said a word so that the knocker stopped knocking on his door.

 "Just a moment," said Arya.

 Next, the door to his house was opened. But what happened? There's no one out there. Only darkness can be seen in the eyes. He was confused by what had happened. His eyes moved in all directions. On the right side of the house there is nothing but a neatly lined banana garden. In front of his house there is only empty land or a village field which is usually used by young people to play football. While on the left side of the house is the house of the young widow.

 For some reason he felt goosebumps when he looked that way. The darkness and silence that enveloped the place made him quickly close the door of his house. Don't forget to lock it too. After that, he hurriedly returned to his desk.

 "Who, anyway? he said as he sat down.

 He looked at the clock on the wall not far away. It's 10 o'clock at night. That meant he had to finish his work as soon as possible so he could sleep. He no longer wanted to waste time on useless things, including thinking about the knock on the door.

 Tok tok tok!

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