Chapter 32 : Doctor Luke
They were still in Anderson's private room, with that man still holding the bottle of medicine that Steve had given him earlier.

He seems to be confused and wondering, even though that old man has repeatedly read the contents on the outside of the bottle.

"Explain to me, Steve, what this medicine is. I'm not sure what I'm reading; I want to hear from you!" he ordered his young confidant.

Steve calmly explained what his employer had requested. “To my knowledge, this is a sleeping pill containing benzodiazepine, Sir, and I assume that Mr. Andrew has taken a high dose of it.”

This statement made Anderson's hands clench into tight fists; he looked a bit shaky. “How could I not know? Why did you keep this from me?” His eyes bore deeply into Steve's, causing Steve to look down.

He continued with the information he knew. "I'm sorry, Sir, I didn't know about this either, I just found out a few days ago, when Mr. Andrew asked me to find something in his room.

"When I wanted to leave that
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