Ch 113. A Room Ablaze with Lust

The room is bathed in a soft, flickering glow, as candlelight gracefully dances upon the walls. The air crackles with an undercurrent of anticipation, an electric charge that sends shivers down my spine.

As my eyes wander away across the room from the increasingly palpable chemistry between Sasha and Bree, they settle upon Naomi. Oh, how her presence stirs the embers of desire within me!

Her grace, her wit, her enchanting smile— it all conspires to make my heart skip a beat and my cock to harden. The flickering candlelight casts a gentle glow upon her features, accentuating her beauty in a way that ignites a fire within me.

Each pulsating beat of my heart craves the tender, soothing embrace of Naomi's affection, yet I find myself intensely captivated by the undeniable, electric chemistry that crackles and sizzles between Sasha and Bree.

I take another look at the two, their blouses on the floor as their tits are mashed together as though in a duel to prove whose are bigger. In the
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