Chapter 82 - Breaking the Rules

Hendrick raised his voice, ensuring everyone could clearly hear what he was saying.

The Beastmaster Guild members behind him responded well to his words, cheering and occasionally cursing at Ethan.

"Ha ha ha, I can't wait to see Hendrick finish off that kid!”

“Hendrick! Hendrick! Hendrick!”

Olivia was getting more and more irritated. A black glove instantly appeared on both of his hands. Small and sharp claws sticking out were visible from the tips of his fingers.

Ethan, who realized this, immediately held Olivia's arm. Looking at her, he shook his head slightly.

She snorted. He tried to hold back his emotions.

Olivia was getting more and more irritated. A black glove instantly appeared on both of his hands, and from the tips of his fingers were visible small, sharp claws sticking out.

Ethan, who realized this, immediately held Olivia's arm and, looking at her, shook his head slightly.

She snorted, and he tried to hold back his emotions.

Ethan looked at Hendrick, who was smiling co
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