About Bella

Hearing Mazda's lengthy explanations throughout the journey made Hazeed repeatedly take heavy, ragged breaths. He was still together with Mazda.

"You said Omega will know when users are together? How does it happen?" Hazeed inquired.

"Oh come on, Buddy. IP address. They don't need to track it; I'm sure they can see our current location within their data. That's why I've been turning off my GPRS and 5G data since earlier," Mazda replied.

Hazeed took another deep breath. He then parked his car in one of the restaurant's lots. "What do you want here?" asked Mazda.

"To eat. Aren't you hungry?" replied Hazeed, unlocking his car door and swiftly stepping out. He disregarded Mazda, who was now stumbling behind, trying to keep up.

Hazeed walked in and froze in the entrance. "Hey, are you alone?" Radith greeted him, affectionately holding Bella beside him.

Hazeed swallowed hard. He never expected to bump into Bella here. His gaze fixated on the face of the most beautiful moon, who was now tryi
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