Chapter 33: City of Deception

The three of them stayed at the tunnel for two whole days. During those days they took a power rest. Their injuries healed slowly, however Katherine and Daniel can still feel some painful sensation but it's more manageable. 

The three of them moved forward. They continued walking through the tunnel. It took them roughly three hours before they made it out. They emerged below a sky high wall.  The wall has a curve that bends inward. They looked around and before their eyes there is a spacious, deserted and desolated field. Dusty particles are everywhere, being blown by the wind. They saw a few plants, but they are all dry and dead. The three of them kept walking. Out of nowhere they heard a sound that is coming from a revving  engine. It is followed by cheerful yells. They looked around, looking for the source of the sound then they saw two sports car that has no hood chasing each other. Each car is housing five people and they are all wearing weird and creepy

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