Chapter 3

"Yes sir, I'm Eric Woodley, my wife is Scarlett Woodley and I came here in search of her, she isn't picking my call." 

Just as he is saying this, the gate opens and she storms out walking straight to him, Eric is surprised to see her. How did she know I'm here? Who told her?

 Eric's legs begin to shake, he shivers in fear, the kind of eyes that she is staring at him with is not something to be comprehended, he hasn't seen her so aggressive like this before and wonders what's going on that is making her behave this way.

"Hey, why are you here?" She questions holding the collar of his shirt.

"Hello, can you please calm down ma'am. Be civilized." Another officer urges from behind, the one that humiliated him with his eyes would never warn Scarlett because he desires this to happen to him.

 Eric stares into his face and it's glowing with delight. He's certain that this is what he wanted. Scarlett loosens the grip on him as the officer says this and finally lets go of him. 

"Can you tell me why you desired to come here and embarrass me with this tattered clothes of yours and that taxi of yours?" She points to the car angrily.

"Look around, of all these cars, which fall into this caliber," she returns her fist to the taxi parked a few meters away.

Eric gets pissed at her question. 

"Aren't you the one that bought it for me, to drive and return the money to you?" He feels the need to embarrass her as well, showing the kind of person she is. 

The security gasps in surprise. She looks at them and rolls her eyes, smirking at their reaction to Eric's statement. 

"Yes I bought it for you to use and drive, and bring back the money, not to come here!" She retorts, barking loudly. 

Eric totally forgets he was a happy person an hour ago, he feels regret for wishing to come tell her he is not a poor man anymore, she doesn't deserve to know this. 

He determines right inside him to forget about ever sharing his good news with her except she changes. He only wants to let her know of his birthday surprise and that she should come home. 

"How did you know I was here?" He asks to satisfy the curiosity which is bothering him. 

There is a giant gate closing the vicinity of the theater, it isn't open such that he would suspect that she might have sighted him from a distance inside. 

"You desire to know that?" She asks with sarcasm in her tone.

"Well one of the security here, I wouldn't tell who among these eight alerted me that a certain man is here claiming to look for me, I asked for his description and he said he drove in a taxi. I know that wouldn't be any other fucking asshole but you!" She points her fist directly to his face. 

"Now let me warn you, don't ever. I repeat, don't ever use your fucking legs to this place for any reason, worst of all you came to check up on me. As what, who am I to you, wife?" She spats.

"I can never be a wife to a poor, wretched man like you. I was blind with love when I married you, now I'm wise. I can't continue with someone like you. It's over between us, I'll seek a divorce." 

"Please, don't do this to me!" Tears begin to stream from his eyes, he attempts to kneel before her but she pushes him away, backing him in fury. 

If this happened earlier, he would have begged because he had no means of survival if Scarlet should leave him but now he has a million dollars. 

Some people might call it coincidence but luck found him, nature had most certainly seen the sufferings he has passed through and decided the time was up for him to be rewarded. This isn't the end of everything, more lucks are coming along the way. He believes. 

"Why would my life be cursed with a poor, senseless fool like you? Look at me, all my colleagues are married to rich, well-to-do men who can take care of them, who make them happy all the times but here I am suffering from depression whenever I think of my life getting entangled with you. What do you have to offer, nothing!" She hits him with fury.

"I got a surprise for you at home, it's my birthday, please come celebrate with me, I cooked a good number of delicacies for you."

"Hahahah!" She laughs so loud and sarcastically.

"You prepared dishes for me when it's your birthday? You think I've forgotten today is your birthday? If you were a sensible husband, do you think I wouldn't stay back to make you feel special?" She shakes her head in mockery. 

"Well it's because you're nothing to me and we'll soon be off each other's path. I have an eye on a man who takes good care of me!" Saying this, she leaves Eric on his knees and walks over to her black sports car which is parked just a meter away.

She uses the remote, the door opens and she gets in. Then a huge, handsome and muscular man like the model bodybuilders often pictured in magazines walks out of the theater with a black bag that Eric identifies to be his wife's. 

He gazes at him with surprise, he can't even challenge him, he would be killed. 

This must be the man that answered my call in the afternoon. He declares inside him and sure it is, that's the new boyfriend of Scarlett, the man she professes to have an eye on, who takes good care of her. 

He walks to the opposite side of the car, opens the door and gets in. The first thing they do is to share a kiss and Scarlett tilts her head towards the window, giving her husband a mocking blink. 

"Fuck you!" She says, raises two of her left fingers, with the rest bent.

 "I got no time for you!" She zooms off leaving Eric confused, rejected and frustrated. The tears he had been fighting so hard came back fully. 

"Please may you leave now?" One of the security officers asks him, they find it useless for him to remain here now his wife has gone with another man.

"I'm going to end this, I can't bear this further!" He declares inside him, getting into his car, he zooms off with anger and frustration beating hard in his chest.

Eric's eyes were welling up with tears. His own wife cheated on him, just because He is poor.

He was numb and sitting inside his taxi parked at the alley.

"Why I am bad fortune in every thing?" He wiped his tears with his closed first.

First his mother left him to live in the garbage. And he has to always be hungry and weak. Once he was happy that his wife will shower him love, but destiny again played against him.

"I have to bear this cheating for my son," he exhaled heavy breath and was about to start his car.

Suddenly, he saw two Mercedes cars stopped in front of his taxi. Few men got down from the car and walked towards him.

"What are they doing here?" Eric frowned.

He was not in the mood to again have a insults.

One man bowed his head and said, "Good day young master. Your grandfather has called you to his mansion."

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