Chapter 66

It's been over a week since I started the summer training and ever since, Tee has been my alarm clock.

'Arise and shine!' Tee's familiar voice rang in my ears. His morning breath fanned my face as my drowsy eyelids fluttered open, My sight was greeted with Tee's signature grin as he hovered over me. I shoved him to the side which sent him rolling down to the floor.

'Ouuuu!' He groaned, reeling in pain as he landed with his back on the floor.

'Take that, you blasted sleep ruiner! ' I seethed, stomping into the bathroom.

'Good morning to you too.' Tee mumbled behind me as he limped out of my room and shut the door behind him with a slam.

I eased myself and quickly showered, mentally preparing for that day.

We had building practice, which basically meant we'll be doing the concrete and block making stuffs. The thought alone was tiring as I half-dragged myself out of the shower into my

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