*TSK* Angel smacked her tongue against the roof of her mouth 

"Darn it, we missed it!" she turned to the left to one of the trainees next to her "Excuse me but what did the instructor just say? What are we supposed to be doing again?" she asked while blinking slowly and looking unconcerned which to the contrary she was but just had that lackluster seeming persona at the moment because she was speaking to someone she wasn't that close too unlike how somewhat close she and Saber had now become

The trainee creakily turned their head and looked at her with nothing but a loud expression denoting contempt "I don't know, why don't you try listening next time" they said then turned to some others standing next to them bursting into quiet laughter, also calling Angel an 'idiot' in the process

She was a little confused at first as to why they were doing that and after it went on for longer than it should have she became annoyed and tried

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