Don't disappoint me.
In the portal room inside military base two, a purple opening appeared from which five soldiers emerged.

The soldiers were the military team that had gone to look for the students who had gotten lost inside a beast planet. However, they had returned empty-handed, believing that the students were no longer there.

They saw it with their own eyes as the students dissolved into red, invisible dust.

"Everyone, except Leo, can go back to their domains and rest. I'll report to the General Staff with Leo," General Stanley announced shortly after they arrived.

They all nodded and went on their way. But all of them except Leo.

General Stanley looked at Leo and asked, "Are you sure you want to do this? Roaming about Camuti alone is dangerous, you could even die there."

Although he was always envious of Leo and his impeccable way of doing things, he didn't wish him death.

Leo's face was cold and expressionless. He only nodded but said nothing.

"If you say so. Just know that you don't have to kill
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