Chapter 100

"The dragon rained fire in every corners of the earth" boasted Samata but Aromo raised her head and spoke, "In Ngiga it didn't rain, fire didn't rain my mistress" Samata then looked at Lume, "And you, you who married my mortal enemy"

"My husband wasn't your mortal enemy, your mortal enemy is the one kneeling before your side. I mean wasn't because of her your only son died? You stand to accuse me" Lume then stood up.

"Are you insane? How dare you?" Samata slapped Lume across the face and she stood up in anger.

"Go ahead and kill me, isn't that what you are known for? You only but kill, you kill and your dragon kill, that ancient evil creature that breathed fire on the innocent children of the earth. I know that you believe in yourself so much that you don't think someone can stop you but...

"Amanda gave birth to my late son's son. The child didn't die before Amanda gave birth to him and died. I know that somehow you are thinking that my death will be the end of everything about me b
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