Chapter 96

"You believe in the earth god and also in your mother but between these two whom do you believe in more?"

"Of ourselves our mother. She founded the sisterhood and it was only when she found it and initiated us that we began to know what it means to have freedom. We were before those who were broken, with some of us made to suffer in the hands of the officials of the King of Dodo. Even though the King isn't a bad one his governors and commanders of his armies are bad and did unspeakable things to those of us that found solace in the sisterhood. We hadn't joined then and it was when we came together, each of us with her own story of how she suffered in the hands of the governors, commanders and other officials of the palace of the King. We then decided that we had to join our mother whom through we had seen raw display of power. We then went ahead and had in our minds to create a common goal, never to allow anyone intimidate us again whether man of woman. It worked for us because we gre
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