61 Epilogue...

Era's father, overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for the recovery of his beloved daughter and the newfound happiness in their lives, decided to celebrate their triumphs with a grand wedding banquet. It was a testament to the strength of love and the power of unity that had brought three couples together through adversity.

The banquet hall was adorned with elegant decorations, with flowers and twinkling lights adding a touch of romance to the atmosphere.

The tables were beautifully set, each one adorned with exquisite centerpieces and delicate place cards.

As the guests arrived, dressed in their finest attire, the air buzzed with anticipation and excitement.

Friends, family, and loved ones gathered to witness the union of three couples whose love had overcome incredible challenges.

Eva and Ben, who had stood together in the face of danger and adversity, were the first to walk down the aisle.

Eva, in a stunning white gown, radiated elegance and confidence. Ben, waiting at the altar,
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