60 The final truth revealed

"System please secure the premises and activate the security alarm," Eva commanded confidently, and immediately the doors locked, triggered by her voice command. Advanced security systems activated, blaring sirens to alert nearby authorities, including the local police station.

Approaching the man, Eva determined to put an end to his game. With no escape route, he surrendered. Removing his mask, she gasped in disbelief.


Eva's heart sank as she discovered that Jerry, her once-trusted friend, was behind the string of incidents that plagued the hospital. It was a painful realization, but the evidence against him was undeniable.

Eva confronted Jerry, her voice trembling with a mix of sadness and anger.

"Jerry, how could you? I trusted you. Why would you go to such lengths to harm innocent people?"

Jerry's face twisted with guilt and defiance, refusing to meet her gaze. Bitterness filled his voice as he explained.

"You don't understand, Eva. They ruined my life, and I wanted th
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