I Don't Care About Hero Stuff

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I Don't Care About Hero Stuff

By: Gooday OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 157 views: 3.7K

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Hero? Savior of this world? Children of miracle? Fuck about that all!! I'm just a teenanger, so I just wanna do whatever I do!!

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157 chapters
This morning I went to school as usual, got out of the house and immediately walked to school. Because my parents have been divorced since elementary school, so I just live alone in this house. My mother has a job that requires her to travel out of town, while my father is abroad for the time being. That's the reason why I have to live alone in this house. I've been living like this since the 3rd grade of middle school, so it's normal for me. I got out of the house and walked for about 10 minutes until I finally arrived at school. I climbed the stairs to go up to the second floor, entered the room marked class 2-A and immediately sat down in the chair that had become my seat. I immediately took the book from the backpack and immediately read it as soon as I got to class. I'm a person who doesn't really like crowds and socializing. I prefer reading books, novels, or manga than having to chat with someone. People used to call me an otaku. Maybe because of my nature like this, making
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Me and my six companions and the other nobles were prostrating themselves before a cocoon inside the Demon King's castle. This cocoon continues to emit a red aura that makes it look very scary.We are all prostrating in this place not without reason, we are all prostrating and waiting for the revival of the Demon leader. A majestic figure and the only one who has the right to be our leader, the Demon King Omega.Two hundred years ago, the Human Hero succeeded in sealing the King and repelling our army. But luckily I managed to retrieve the King's sealed body before the humans destroyed it.After waiting for a while, the cocoon finally started to tear and something inside was trying to come out.Aah..... The wait for myself and all the demon races for 200 years has finally come to an end.*kreakkk.........*The sound of the cocoon tearing signaled the end of our wait. And there was the figure we had all been waiting for."Welcome back, My King..."We all greeted the King when his body
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This morning I went to school as usual, got out of the house and immediately walked to school. Because my parents have been divorced since elementary school, so I just live alone in this house. My mother has a job that requires her to travel out of town, while my father is abroad for the time being. That's the reason why I have to live alone in this house. I've been living like this since the third grade of middle school, so it's normal for me. I got out of the house and walked for about ten minutes until I finally arrived at school. I climbed the stairs to go up to the second floor, entered the room marked class 2-A and immediately sat down in the chair that had become my seat. I immediately took the book from the backpack and immediately read it as soon as I got to class. I'm a person who doesn't really like crowds and socializing. I prefer reading books, novels, or manga than having to chat with someone. People used to call me an otaku. Maybe because of my nature like this, mak
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The sun had set since we arrived in this world, and it turned out that this world was indeed another world. The view of the night sky in this world is very beautiful, we can see a lot of stars and two very bright moons at night. We are currently in a mansion that the kingdom has prepared for us to rest in. This mansion is quite large, this two-story building has 10 bedrooms, a living room, and a dining room. We were also given five maids and one chef who was on duty to cater for all our needs in this mansion. Me, Mark, and Axel chose the top floor as our room; while Julia and Rikka chose a room on the first floor. Right now I'm lying in my room, all the things that happened today make my head really dizzy. Even though I can't sleep, at least I can rest comfortably in this place. *Sigh…* Mother! Did you know if your son disappeared...? I don't think she'll care, after all it's been a year since I last saw her. Maybe my disappearance will make her happy… *Knock... knock…* I heard
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Our party walked into the Dungeon warily, even though the 1st through 4th floors had already been cleared, but Xorra ordered us to always be on guard. In this Dungeon there is also a magic stone that illuminates the entire contents of the cave which is so dark, and this makes it very easy for us. Finally we all reached the fifth floor, and it was on this floor that our training began. As we entered the fifth floor, several wolves started coming towards us. The wolves that confronted us were stone wolves, we know this because we have studied the various types of monsters that exist in this Dungeon. “Everyone, take positions. We'll do it like we did in training." Xorra immediately gave the signal for all of us to get ready. In this formation, Mark and I took positions at the front, Axel and Rikka were in the middle, and Julia was at the back. Xorra didn't get into this position and was just sitting around evaluating our party. *Grr… grr…* The wolves in front of us started growlin
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The Hero Party and I just returned to the palace after successfully clearing the fifth floor of the Dungeon Zoo. I immediately separated from the Hero's Party after we entered the royal area.The reason I parted ways with them was to report to His Majesty the King. Witch Zeris and I have been appointed as mentors of the Hero Party, so we have to provide King Erick with reports on the progress of the Hero's party to King Erick.As soon as I arrived at the Royal palace, I immediately went in to meet the King. Several guards at the palace gates lowered their heads as I passed them. I currently occupy the position of head of the Knights of the Star Kingdom, so it's only natural for me to receive the respect of other knights.“Master Xorra, the King is waiting for your arrival.”A man who was quite old greeted my arrival, and that person was the Prime Minister of this country.I was quite surprised to find out that the one who greeted me was a high-ranking state like him.“Good evening, Mr
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Me and my six companions and the other nobles were prostrating themselves before a cocoon inside the Demon King's castle. This cocoon continues to emit a red aura that makes it look very scary. We are all prostrating in this place not without reason, we are all prostrating and waiting for the revival of the Demon leader. A majestic figure and the only one who has the right to be our leader, the Demon King Omega. Two hundred years ago, the Human Hero succeeded in sealing the King and repelling our army. But luckily I managed to retrieve the King's sealed body before the humans destroyed it. After waiting for a while, the cocoon finally started to tear and something inside was trying to come out. Aah… The wait for myself and all the demon races for 200 years has finally come to an end. *kreakkk…* The sound of the cocoon tearing signaled the end of our wait. And there was the figure we had all been waiting for. "Welcome back, My King..." We all greeted the King when his body came
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“Unique Skill [Holy Barrier] activate!”Julia activated her unique skill and created a huge barrier that covered the entire city of Rigel.This barrier has the effect of weakening the Devils trapped within and granting increased strength to those within the barrier. As soon as this barrier was formed, we all immediately attacked the demons who were weakened by being trapped by this barrier.The other soldiers also immediately entered the city after the barrier was activated. Thanks to this plan, in the end many demons were killed easily. Our party also tried their best to kill the demons that tried to attack us.“Magic sword skill [Fire Slash]”“Magic sword skill [Wind Slash]”“Light magic [Purgatory]”“Sword skill [Double Slash]”Various magical and non-magic attacks were launched at the demons, and it made their numbers decrease drastically.Julia also continued to consume magic potions to stabilize her power and maintain her [Holy Barrier]. Rikka also stayed close to Julia to prote
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Rigel City is now free from the demon's threat, so all of us along with the soldiers and townspeople started looking for people who could be saved. But we didn't get anything, all the townspeople who were evacuated late had actually died. It took us all twelve days to reach this city. So before we arrived, maybe the demons had already killed the townspeople who didn't have time to evacuate. We have also been living in this city for two weeks and are helping to restore the city's state of affairs. The refugees have also started to come back, and helped rebuild their hometowns. After two weeks of settling in, we finally decided to return to the royal capital. But only the five of us and Xorra returned to the capitol; for the rest of the army, they still had to be in this city to help with all sorts of things that were needed. The six of us left the city of Rigel in the morning and started our journey back to the capital Arcturus. After several hours of walking, our group finally cho
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I woke up in a very dark and cold place, and I just realized that I was lying on the body of a bear monster who also fell along with me.It seems that some parts of my body had broken bones. I fell to the bottom of a very dark abyss, so I made up for it. And yes, this bear monster is definitely dead.Thank you bear monster. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be crushed.I patted the bear's body several times and finally it came down from above him. Because it's too dark in this place, I activated my fire sword skill.The sword began to emit a bright light and made the surroundings visible. Apparently the bottom of this gorge is completely empty, there is only a small river that stretches along this ravine.I sat on the ground and thought about what steps I should take next. Although actually I already have one goal, which is to return alive to avenge Axel's actions.Okay, so what should I do to get out of this place?Around here there's a lot of water, so I'm pretty lucky I guess. Bu
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