The Lord is my Shepard
"My... My lord! The gateway has been opened prematurely!" the one-horned demons steward rushed into the dark, cold palace sweating heavily, he knelt before the throne and reported

"The energy gathered around the gate is not enough to transport the army and you, my lord."

"Why did death servant open the gate prematurely?" a loud baritone voice asked from up the throne, his brows furrowed

"Was there an order to open the gate?" a two-horned giant demon dressed in heavy armour, he is the demon army general Beelzebub, he knelt on one leg to salute the king

"The location where the gate was placed on earth was suddenly attacked, the death servant thought there would be enough casualty to fill up the energy so we didn't interfere but only two people died and the others were just injured..." the one-horned demon explained regretfully

"How incompetent!" the general declared "How can you assume in such a situation! Even when you are sure there will be a casualty to avoid stories that touch th
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