I Got An Apocalyptic System

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I Got An Apocalyptic System

By: Firelotus001 OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 80 views: 7.6K

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Lost his parents to betrayal and his grandmother to sickness. Eagan was almost left alone in the world with no one to rely on and then he got a system that informed him about the impending doom in his world.

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  • Adeline Negongo


    I enjoy the story

    2022-12-30 18:01:59
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80 chapters
I Hope I Chose the Right Person
"Bro, wait up!" A silver-haired teenager ran out of the school building alongside other students who had just finished their exams. " Dude, can't you wait for me!" " Run faster," His friend Eagan said without slowing down; he licked the lollipop he was holding and even increased his pace. " Dammit, how are you, my best friend, you meanie!" " You should have exercised more " Silver is the nickname given to the silver-haired teenager Eagan's best friend and only friend. "Why would I need to? I've got killer looks." Silver pointed to himself to show his "killer looks." Truthfully, he is good-looking; he and Eagan have always been on the list of the most handsome "princes" in their school. Eagan is seventeen years old and is five feet and eight inches tall. He lives with his grandmother after the death of his parents; he has green eyes like a field of grass and black curly hair. Eagan and Silver have been best friends since their diaper day and are practically inseparable. Fina
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Saved a girl, Got a System
That night when Eagan got home, his grandmother was waiting for him and his nanny Nina. The grandmother, worried about her grandchild working even though he had everything, awaited him to return home with his dinner readily prepared. "Glam, I'm home," Eagan called out as he entered the house "How was your day? Was working stressful? Can you do it? I told you I'd add to your allowance if it weren't enough! Why did you insist on working? You look so tired," His grandmother complained as she looked at him. He kissed her on her forehead and answered her questions. " My day was fine; work wasn't stressful, it was fun, and I can do it; you don't need to add to my allowance. I gave more than enough already. I'm just working on getting more experience." " Still..." Eagan cut her off " I promise I'm ok, and I'll quit when it starts affecting me... I'm hungry. You won't starve your grandson, will you?" His grandmother giggled and led him to the dining room to eat his meal. She watched hi
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First mission Prepare for End Time
" Oh, by the way, System, how many people can see this thing floating in front of me?" 'ONLY YOU CAN SEE AND HEAR ME " Good, it will be awkward explaining things to people." Eagan stood there thinking. ' I have a couple of hours before resuming work. I can plan and then get some things before going to work.' "System, you said I can exchange points for food and necessities. Why do I have to repurchase them?" "Would you rather use points for food or weapons to defend yourself against monsters?" " You got me there. I can use my college savings to buy these things. I wouldn't want to frighten my sickly grandmother unnecessarily. There probably won't be anything called the school in the apocalypse, so there won't be a need to save money, right?" After Eagan overcame his initial shock of having a system pop out from nowhere, he got enough information. What to do? He got dressed, had breakfast, and set out to complete his mission. "First Mission Prepare for the Apocalypse " ### " W
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I Got points for informing people?
Beep! Beep! EMERGENCY ALERT A NEW TYPE OF VIRUS IS SPREADING FAST AROUND THE HOST. IT IS ADVISED THAT THE HOST VACATE EVERY PUBLIC AREA AS SOON AS POSSIBLE; CONTINUOUS STAYING IN PUBLIC AREAS MAY CAUSE THE HOST TO BE INFECTED. He got a red notification from the system, which is a severe warning. He'd usually get a blue or purple alert, not red. The sudden information about the virus spreading around him changed his mood, which was noticeable to his co-workers. "Are you okay? is everything fine at home?" Dave asked He contemplated whether to tell him the reason behind his mood change or look for another reason 'Should I wait for the government to announce or tell them?' "THE SYSTEM HAS NOTICED THE HOST IS IN A STATE OF INNER TURMOIL AND ADVISES THE HOST TO TELL HIS CO-WORKERS ABOUT THE VIRUS AND WHETHER IT IS UP TO THEM TO BELIEVE OR NOT "Thank you " The preparation for dinner was going on, so the restaurant hadn't opened to customers yet. " Hmm... I need to tell you all somet
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Legacy Left Behind
For the nth time since he got the system, he went shopping for food with his best friend in preparation for the doomsday that was already knocking at their door. He advised his best friend to stay in the door and told him that if there was any trouble, they could stay with them; the two friends separated and promised to keep in touch as long as the internet was up. "THERE'S A PROBABILITY THAT YOU'D NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN," the system said once they parted, and Eagan felt pained. "I know, but I can't protect everyone. At least, that's what I have been telling myself since I knew the world would face a disaster. I'll do everything I can to protect the people I love." Hearing that the system kept quiet When he got home, he met his grandmother in their living room with her doctor beside her. His grandmother's mother looks ghostly pale compared to how she was in the morning went he left home. " Hello, Dr. Becca," he greeted the doctor and sat across them "Hello, Eagan; how have you bee
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First Day at the Shelter
"Your parents would have been proud of you If they were here" She held his hand tightly, her face and voice full of sad emotions, he swallowed the tears building up in his throat and replied "You always told me they're watching over me." "Of course, they are... I converted all the assets belonging to myself and your parents to money, you'll probably not need them during this time, but you'll need them once all this is over. The base can house ten thousand people at most, it has farmland for raw food and life stocks, and there are people there who have been taking care of everything; leave Nina to supervise them once you move in. I talked to Becca; she'll move into the base as a doctor, and one last thing. Nina isn't human; she's an AI." Eagan looked surprised; the lady he had lived with all these years wasn't human. Is this a joke, or was he just not attentive enough to notice? " Are you being serious? You told me she was an orphan you picked up!" The grandmother sighed and shook
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Journey Begins
Several lives would be saved thanks to his parents thinking all this through. Eagan picked up the box his parents left for him and tried to open it, but it didn't budge; suddenly, a needle came out of the keyhole and pricked his fingertip, drawing out don't blood. SCANNING BLOOD SAMPLE A mechanical voice came out of the box, startled Eagan, and he almost dropped it. SCAN COMPLETED DNA MATCHED... SELF-DESTRUCT MODE DISENGAGED. The setup amazed Eagan, and he thought, "what a brilliant invention; I mean, it was going to self-destruct if it was someone else who got it; how amazing." With all this, he was happy he wasn't sharing a room with anyone, as Nina and silver had separate rooms. The first thing he noticed as he opened the box was a written letter addressed to him. HEY THERE KIDDO, Happy eighteenth birthday from your handsome dad and beautiful mum. We hope you've been well and haven't been giving your grandmother a hard time. I'm sure you've grown up to be a fine young man l
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Focus on Not Turning Into a Zombie
" There's a supermarket around that corner to the left; hopefully, we'll stop there to get some resources; it hasn't been looted completely. We'll be divided into five groups, and each group will be led by one of your trainers; one group will be on the lookout for intruders and zombies while two groups will go into the supermarket to gather resources, and the other two will go into the surrounding houses to check for survivors " Adam instructed. Everyone got assigned to their groups of four persons per group and stepped out of the bust to carry out the mission given to them. Matt, a Trainer, leads Eagan's group, and the members are Eagan, Shannon, a lady who worked on the farm on the base, and Nick, Eagan's co-worker. Their team was assigned to check the building opposite the supermarket for survivors, and as they got close to the building, someone shouted from the upper level. "Hey! Please help! Please help us!" It was a blue-haired boy waving his hands frantically through the wind
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You'll have to Earn Your Stay
The two men with the knives slash and stab—the zombie's head, with Nick and Shannon assisting from the back. "I love this; let's do this often!" Nick said excitedly amidst all the shooting "I honestly thought I'd die or something while leaving the base this morning; I didn't think it'd be this enjoyable to shoot at zombies." The survivors heard their voices, and the commotion from outside began packing their things so as not to time the rescue team after killing the zombies. They packed all the necessary items, such as food, clothes, toiletries, and photo albums. Eagan knocked on the door after killing off all the zombies "Hey, anybody in there? He asked, and the door opened immediately, revealing the blue-haired boy from earlier. "Hello," he greeted firmly "You were the one who called us the other time?" "Yes, that was me; I'm sorry for attracting the zombie to you," the boy, who looked frail and young, bowed his head. "It's okay." " Can you please take my sisters to your ba
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It Looks Uglier
" I never knew Festus taught you how to shoot," Adam comments as they shoot at the zombie covering the survivors to safety. "Huh? you know Uncle Festus?" Eagan asked, surprised that Adam knew his uncle, but 'it shouldn't have been too surprising as uncle Festus was also involved in the building of the base,' he thought " Of course, I'm very familiar with him. After all, he was our trainer alongside Marcus .... You might not know this, but everyone you met on the base had nothing when we met your grandmother; she gave us a place to stay and a purpose to live for ... and in return, we promised to serve you till our last breath." Eagan felt touched by the confession made by Adam and was stunned for a few seconds. " I'm sorry ... I didn't know anything ... I was just informed about all this on her dying bed, and everything seems new to me, and I'm just barely holding on." " It's a promise she had to keep; your parents made everyone promise that you'd have a normal childhood and you wo
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