A Trouble

Mental health issues were the reason Bill disappeared for a month. He didn't know any better reason than that. Then, his gaze fell on Joana. He caught a glimpse of her judgmental eyes, but it was soon replaced by a faint smile.

"That's all I have to say," Bill said to end the meeting. He didn't want to seem like he was making a lot of excuses, especially taking up people's work time when the current office was enough to worry him.

Meanwhile, Lee, Ginna and Ronie who were also listening to Bill's presentation could only remain silent. He among them glanced at each other, as if looking for answers to what he had just heard.

"Is that possible?" asked Lee with a frown on his forehead. "Bill could have a problem like that?" Although his coworker sometimes looked somber, there was no telling how Bill could have mental health issues.

"I think everyone can and does go through difficult times like that." Ginna said.

"Yes, but this is Bill. He always seems fine." Lee welcomed back.

Ginna le
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