The First Blow, The First Regret, The First Pain and Where It All Begins 1

"Absolute Cut!" William shouted at the top of his voice, attacking the real body between the two copies with the strongest ability he had.

The wind blade that came out of the tip of William's sword flew unblocked toward its original target, too fast for the two clones to react. The moment William's sword emerged, it struck the man's body. William knelt in weakness, but he still had one eye on the man. He wanted to see him die with his own eyes.

When the ability hit the man, his body split into two, just as William expected, and the two clones vanished instantly. The sword in the hand of one of the copies fell to the ground as if it were a real object and not a spell.

"Hğğğğğ..." (Blood-filled guttural sound.) A growl came from the body of the man who had been cut in half.

William barely raised his head and looked at the man's body in surprise.

Two separate body parts were resisting falling to the ground. He was still standing. The six-centimeter gap between them was covered by an invi
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