Chapter 44

“What is it that you're doing?” Melissa asked, crossing her legs and leaning into the driver side of her seat to get comfortable even though John had a gun to her head.

“You think I'm here to joke around?” John growled and clicked off the gun's safety.

Melissa turned sharply to face him, looking directly into his eyes.

“There were cameras when you abducted me and in your famous car at that. Surely, you won't be so foolish as to assume that no one recognized the famous billionaire?”

John chuckled. “Did I really kidnap you? I don't think you know much in the way of deception… no one there cares about your whereabouts because to them you're perfectly fine but you may not be if you keep testing my patience.”

“I think you'll use the best of your time if you keep your eyes on the road. I won't want to be caught dead with you.”

“Shut your mouth or I'll pull the trigger!”

Melissa glared at John but otherwise kept silent while John floored the car till he arrived at a hideout west of La's
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