Jealousy - Part 2

"Good morning". He had noticed the slight change in the behavior of his cousin since he got back from the date he had with Helen.

"Ya". He kept his head low on his system, the last person he wanted to talk to was Ferdinand. He was lucky he wasn't caught in the act.

"I'm going on vacation with you". He announced, he didn't care if he heard or not.

"We'll see about that?" Michael got up and headed for the bathroom, a cold bath was all he wanted.

"No, I'm serious". He lifted his hand to touch Michael who had already pushed his hand off and gave out a punch to his face which sent Ferdinand staggering to the ground.

Ferdinand touched his nose to feel his blood drop almost immediately, he feared he had broken his nose.

"You would do no such, we agreed you would stay here in New York and watch the gym". He tried his best to control the breath he had taken in so as not to explode.

"You've always told me what to do and decided the friends I make, why can't you let me make this one".

"You know
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