Chapter 27


Sitting all alone in an empty class and arranging test scripts on my desk, as much as I don't want to disturb myself by thinking about Riele's recent predicament, I can't help it.

Not wanting to involve me in it is what is supposed to be best for me, but when I think of how unfair I am to her creeps guilty feelings in me. Everyone judges her just like I do even though I know it's wrong, but honestly I don't want to help her, 'cause I so don't feel like it, but if I decide not to help, I'll be like the devil's incarnate.

But then, helping her is best, isn't it? I know that if I was the one in a shoe, she'll do me the favour.

I even want to see how it'll all end. I love puzzles, but the pictures in front of the box are so scrambled that I know it'll take a long time to put them together, but it's a good thing I know where to begin.

I looked up instinctively as the classroom door opened revealing...

I smirked. The beginning would be finding out what Riele holds against Jules.
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