The twilight appeared before Alan and Danny reached their island, and the pair hide the jewel, and then carried the black-eyed girl to the village clinic.

"What is this?" A white-dressed female nurse gawked at the unconscious little girl, and her shabby dress.

"Your question should be who is this, and not what is this."

"We found her like this in the middle of the sea and brought her here. You can take care of her, can't you?"

"Of course. But because she is a minor, we need to know her relatives in case any unforeseen occurrence occurs."

"We don't know her family or relatives. As we said earlier, she was seen in the middle of the sea, and it is our charitable character that made us bring her back."

"Please come with me. Perhaps the doctor in charge will give her special consideration."

"After you, Miss."

As soon as the nurse turned and stepped into the intensive care unit, the two fishermen looked into each other's eyes, gestured and promptly take to their heels. And were la
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