Chapter 46: Marinated Charlie
"Boss, where should we go now?" Granda asked.

"I think I know where to go. Somewhere they'll never be able to find us," Charlie said as he thought of that one place everybody is afraid to go; the silent garden.

The trio walked for almost three days before they could get to their destination. Charlie put the brothers in the small hut and warned them not to get out unless they wants to get eaten by the sunflowers.

He quickly went out to the stingy trees' side, to test out the new skills he had gained and to also check his body to see if he has awakened any other ability.

He quickly summoned his avatar, but he was amazed at the sight of the totem avatar behind him.

"Brother vulture, is that you?" Charlie was amazed at the sight of the ice vulture Avatar staring back at him.

He couldn't help but remember what happened after he had swallowed the vulture's power core.

One week earlier.

Charlie just swallowed the ice vulture's core. He lost consciousness immediately after swallowing the cor
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