Chapter 25: The Steel Sentage

The Two Members of the Black Dogs, Eide and Kiko came down from the Rooftop when they landed on the ground, Everyone was stunned by the entrance of the Black Dogs when the Imperial Soldiers went into serious defense mode.

The Chinese Soldiers, The Samurais Unsheathed their blades fiercely!

" The Black Dogs? " Chief Warrior Zeku Delring asked himself as he stared at the crest Symbol of the Two Assasins when Six Soldiers charged at them, The Soldiers were slaughtered without mercy.

More Soldiers trooped into the Battleground as the spectators fled for their lives, Eide turns when he grabs an arrow unleashed Against him from behind and he dropped the arrow on the ground when he smirked.

Holding his blade firmly, The Archer from the Top made to shoot another arrow from his bow when he fell down dead afterwards, Elijarer walks out of the darkness when she licks the blood on her dagger.

" We shall begin with the Assasination right now " Elijarer spoke out with smiles on her face when she su
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