216: Unexpected Ending

The board members exchanged puzzled glances, struggling to comprehend Zayn's sudden divergence from their expectations.

The air thickened with anticipation as they yearned for a deeper understanding of his motives.

In a surprising turn of events, Zayn shifted the spotlight to his elder brother, Khalid, whose eyes glistened with a mixture of gratitude and remorse. Zayn's voice softened as he introduced Khalid as the most suitable candidate for the CEO position.

Zayn's voice carried a firm resolve as he continued, offering his unexpected proposal. "I believe Khalid is the right candidate for the CEO position. His exceptional skills and experience make him the ideal leader to guide the Sultan's Empire towards a prosperous future."

"I have faith in his abilities and his dedication to the success of Sultan's Empire," Zayn added, his words filled with genuine support and forgiveness. "He has proven himself capable, and I believe he will lead this company to new heights."

The room fell into
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