Chapter 396 : Wink Wink

“Ugh.. what is it again?”

That night, Bin could not rest even for a minute. Everyone living in his apartment was constantly bothering him, some bashing the door and others rudely entering without as much as a knock. 

But, the most obnoxious person had got to be Iris, Abyss’ agent and a 4-star commander, with a rank equal to Marshall Don Lunar. This sadistic woman was annoyingly childish and would complain about almost everything, and what made things worse was her abnormally loud voice, which seemed to get louder tonight, especially.

For the first three times she barged into Bin’s room, she incessantly whined about Bert and how he was hiding the TV remote and stealing her favourite spot. It got to the point where Bin had to lock his door, but eve

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