Chp 223 - One Of Us

“You changed her?” Michael confronted Damien the moment he got back to the house. He had to teleport Laura back with him since she was still very much out of it. He had just placed her in his room, where Morgan and Isabella were keeping an eye on her when Michael confronted him just as he came out of his suite.

Here we go. He thought. Anger welled in him for the reminder of his guilt. He respected Micahel for being a stickler for rules but at the moment, he did not care to be reminded that he had failed to protect his woman. He did not need the clan leader to rub more salt unto his wound. Not at all.

“If you have a thing to say, just say it,” Damien said as he bypassed Michael on his way to the main floor.

“If I…” Michael paused in disbelief then he lengthened his stride to meet up with that Damien. “If I have a thing to say? We never change humans. You know how precarious they could be and you went to turn one of them?”

“She is one of us now,” Damien said as he turned back to face hi
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