Chapter 4

Landing on the sore of an empty beach Connor and Lilith left the boat and made their way to a cave for the night.

"Lilith, I have a question" asked Connor

"Ask away," said Lilith

" You said that your powers were sealed away, how do you plan on getting them back?" asked Connor

"We have to enter Miasma Acadamy and get the highest score on the entrance exam, the prize for first place is an elixir that can boost someone's mana by 10-fold or in my case help get some of my power back" explained Lilith

"Okay when ae the entrance exams?" asked Connor

"If I'm right 1 week from now" she said back

" 1 week that is not enough time for us to get prepared!" yelled Connor

"Well, it's this or kill a Dragon king and take its core" said Lilith sighing

" Okay then we have no time to waste, you stay check the area for any monsters and to get some food" said Connor picking up his bow

"Very well, stay safe" she said back with a concerned voice

Walking out the cave Connor went into the forest; when he was far enough away, he used his enhanced eyes sight to look for any monsters

1 hour later...

While in the forest Connor killed everything, he could find from Lv.1 goblins to Lv.10 orcs. After a little while of walking Connor was about to turn back when he heard a branch snap behind him. Turning around Connor froze in free when he saw an orc almost 20 feet tall walking with 10 orcs around 15 feet all of them holding clubs or axes, two of them were holding staffs, while the biggest one was holding a halberd.

(Sabastian use appraisal) Connor thought

Orc King Lv.55

Orc Generals Lv.40, Lv.38, Lv.45, Lv.46, Lv.45, Lv.43, Lv.44, Lv.48

Orc Druid Lv.50, Lv.49

Knowing that he would not be able to beat them Connor did not move an inch and waited, when they passed him, Connor saw about to run for it before he heard

"Kill that human in that bush" said the Orc king

On command one of the orc druids pointed its staff at Connor and fired a fire ball at it. Seeing this Connor activated body enhancement and ran away from that area not wanting to lead them back to the cave Connor ran in the opposite direction. After running until his mana ran out and he could not feel his legs Connor looked back and saw that the orcs were not following him anymore. After taking a rest Connor hurried back to the cave and when he got back, he was shocked to see that the cave was a mess and Lilith was missing. Looking around Connor saw something that had his heart drop it was an orc tooth and a neckless that Lilith always had on her.

Filled with rage Connor sprinted back to the forest, He didn't know where these strong emotions came from maybe it was the master servant pact they had or maybe because Lilith was the only kind person to him. All Connor was thinking was that he was going to kill all of those orcs and save Lilith. Using his skill Connor could see that there was a fire deeper in the forest going to the fire Connor saw that it was an orc base. slowly walking up to the cave Connor activated he recently learned sneak skill, climbing up a tree Connor would see that there were hundreds of orcs, men, female, old, young, there were orcs of all groups. On the sides of one of the walls Connor could see that there were cages with people inside, they were of all races, humans, dwarfs, elves, and demons, taking a closer look Connor could see Lilith.

Going back into the forest Connor started to take out different plants from his inventory, these bags where the ones he used against the chimera on purgatory, it was the acid bag, sleeping powder, poison, bottles, and explosion bags. Loading up on everything that he had Connor went back to the base will all the orcs were celebrating and eating. Using this change Connor snuck into the back of the camp. After finding what he assumed was the kitchen Connor poured poison into all of the drinks and the food until he ran out. Right when he left the door opened and a group of female orcs took the food and brought it out. Going back up the tree Connor watched and waited for the poison to kick in.

"Tonight, we celebrate a good hunt and the kings air be coming of age ceremony, so drink and party' said the orc druid

"To start the festival my son will have the first bite of the boar tonight" said the orc king

" Really father I can have the first bite, I am honored" said the orc kings' son excited

Picking up the leg of the boar and taking a bite of it the crowd erupted into to cheers

A few seconds later the king's son started to chock

' what's wrong son here drink some wine' said the king worried

Taking the cup and drink king the wine, the son only started to hold his troth and fell on to the floor his skin started to turn purple while bumps appeared on his skin and blood started to come out his eyes, in less than a minute the orc kings' son was dead

" No, no this can't be my son, my son, MY SON !!!" roared the orc king loud enough to shake the forest

" FIND WHO DID THIS AND BRING THEM TO ME!" yelled the orc king holding his son lifeless body in his hands

As the orcs started to search the camp of the intruder a pick mist started to fill the camp, and most of the orcs started to fall asleep.

" What is this mist?" asked the orc druid

Right after he said that a volley of bags came down from the sky, when they landed and broke green goo fell out of them and started to melt everything it touched, the orcs that where asleep started to wake up because of the agonizing pain from the goo and the screams of the other orcs.

" Who dares attack the orc king in his own home!" yelled the orc king

Then and there another volley of arrow came down from the sky on the arrows a bag was attached to them. Some of the orcs dying from the arrows, after all the arrows fell the orc king ordered on of his generals to pick up the arrow. After picking on of them up the arrow exploded in his face killing his instantly, like if it was on cue all the other arrows started to explode killing hundreds of orcs and destroying the camp, Connor made sure that none of these things would hurt the people trapped in the cages. After the onslaught of explosions and the few remaining orcs started to get picked of one by one with arrows when only the orc king was left Connor entered what was left of the camp.

"So, you are the bastard that dared to attack my camp kill my some and my tribe" said the orc king breathing heavily

Even though he was the strongest orc he could not take on that many explosions without taking some injury.

" Who have someone very important to me, I can here to get them back" said Connor in a cold tone

" If you're looking for our prisoners over there" the orc said pointing at the edge of the camp and the only part left standing

While walking over to the corner with the prisoners, Connor was attack by the orc king knowing this would happen Connor had his body enhancement ready and took out his sword barley blocking the orc king's attack.

(Even after all that he is still going strong) Connor though making some distance

Activating his sword slash and dash skill Connor appeared Infront of the slashing down on him. Easily block the attack the orc king swung back down at Connor moving out the way trying to doge the attack Connor was slashed on the chest by sword

"So, you attack me and my camp, but this is all you have, you are 100 years too early to best me boy" said the orc king pridefully

After making a good distance between them Connor took out his bow again and took out his explosion arrows using his multi shot, precision shot, enhanced sight, and body enhancement skills, Connor fired 4 arrows at the orc king when they hit the orc king 2 of them bounced of his tough skin, one arrow hit his leg while the other one landed on his shoulder. After both of the exploded the orc king was down on one knee. Seeing this Connor took out his last acid arrow and fired it at the orc kings head, When the arrow landed it started to burn his head until he fell down and died, Connor watched it with a cold look in his eye.

[Mission Complete: Kill the Orc King and destroy the orc Camp/Save Lilith]

[Rewards: 100 Poison arrows/ 100 Acid Arrows/ 100 Explosion Arrows, A-rank demon bow,B-rank mytrial sword 10,000 exp.]

[Class unlocked: Demon Archer]

After hearing the announcements from Sabastian Connor walked over to Lilith and the other prisoners.

" Connor is that really you" Lilith said with tears in her eyes

Opening up the cage Connor brought Lilith into his arms

" I'm sorry, I let you get captured, I was spoused to serve you, but I failed" said Connor with shame in his voice

looking into his eyes Lilith assured Connor that it was fine, after a few minutes in silence Connor opened the cages for the other Prisoners.

"Thank you kindly I don't know how to repay you, if you are ever in the dwarf kingdom stop by any of our shops and we will make the best gear" said an elder dwarfs before leaving with the other dwarfs

The demons thanked Connor and told them if he ever needed help, they would be there and then left

" On behalf of the elf Kingdom we would like to thank you for saving the Princess from those orcs" said one of the guards

" Yes, thank you and his you are ever in need of help please come to the forest of eleven please how them this" the princess said while handing Connor a golden talisman

" Your highness are you sure," said a guard nervously

"I am now let's go before my parents get even more worried that we are not there on time" said the princess before leaving with her guards

After everyone left Connor fell on to one knee, the adrenaline had started to ward off and he started to feel pain all over his body.

" Connor!" Lilith said while trying to help him up

After a long walk they made it back to the cave where Connor fell asleep and rested for the rest of the day. Waking up the next day Connor looked at his stats to see how Strong he got

Name: Connor Redwood

Race: Demon Oni

Title: Demon Lord Canidate/ Orc Killer (+30% damage against Orcs)

Class: Demon Archer

Sub-class: Locked

Shop coins:5000

Level: 40

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 11000/11000








Skills: Sword Mastery Lv.14/ Bow Mastery Lv.35/ Potion Making Lv.17/Bomb making Lv.10/Appraisal Lv.7/ Sword slash Lv.5/ Dash Lv.6/ Precision shot Lv.12/ Multi shot Lv.17/ Mana arrow Lv.10/ Enhanced eyes Lv.12/ Body enhancement Lv.10, Sneak Lv.9, All seeing Domain Lv.1, Tracking Arrow Lv,1, Arrow crafting Lv.1, Fire Arrow Lv.1, Water Arrow Lv.1, Air control Lv.1, Bloodlust Lv.1

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