I'm Henry Gregory

Henry put on some of the designer wear that he got during his shopping spree with his uncle and looked at himself in the mirror.

Seeing that his outfit was top-notch, he picked up the car key and went down to the parking lot where he got into the car and drove off.

He didn't know where he was going since he was new in New York, but thanks to the modern age, all he needed was to search a place up.

After scrolling through the multiple suggestions from the internet, Henry made a few choices.

Now all that was left, was to party.

Henry went from nightclub to nightclub, dancing, and drinking. But just enough to not make him wasted.

He still had more places to go to, so it'll be a bummer if he got too drunk to do anything.

At least half a bottle of beer per club would do.

Henry spent at least thirty minutes at every club, but when he got to the seventh one, he ended up staying a bit longer to clear up his head.

He could already feel himself getting tipsy.

He found himself resting face down a
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